The Challenge
Jerome Kern, known for founding industry giants like Orange Theory, European Wax Center, and Massage Envy, set his sights on a promising new venture: Relive Health, a Florida-based medspa with massive potential. Recognizing the need for a brand overhaul to catapult Relive onto the national stage, Jerome enlisted Emery for a swift and strategic rebranding. The task was clear but challenging: revamp Relive's name, visual identity, and market positioning to pave the way for expansive growth.
The Awakening
Time was of the essence, and so the Emery team took to the skies, landing in Florida for an intensive strategy sprint with Relive's leadership. The result was a multi-faceted brand transformation starting with a comprehensive strategy deck that laid a new foundation for Relive. We also crafted a universal messaging platform, equipping franchisees with the language and tools to consistently communicate the brand's value. The crowning jewel of our collaboration was the unveiling of a new visual identity for Relive, one that beautifully articulates the essence of extending healthspans, marrying aesthetic appeal with the promise of effective, transformative treatments.
Logo Marks
Health Variant
Color Palette
True Black
Blank Slate
Vigor Blue
Soft Gray
Primary Typeface
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789
Secondary Typeface
Body Copy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sed aliquam diam. Curabitur vel urna quis urna fermentum posuere vitae vitae ligula. Integer eros augue, ullamcorper non erat quis, euismod bibendum ligula.
Brand Guide
The Transformation
The rebranding effort propelled Relive into an unprecedented growth trajectory, marking its entry as one of the fastest-growing franchises in the nation. Within just six months, Relive boasted over 200 locations, a testament to the strategic foresight and creative execution provided by Emery. The success of this sprint not only solidified Relive's position in the wellness industry but also paved the way for a lasting partnership, with founder Dr. Domenic Iacovone inviting John Emery to lend his expertise to four additional brands. This ongoing collaboration continues to yield fruitful outcomes, demonstrating the power of strategic branding in driving exponential growth.