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Birth Roots

Birth Roots is an ever growing community that creates a culture of support for parents, beginning in pregnancy and throughout the critical window of early childhood development.

The Challenge

Birth Roots, nestled in the heart of Portland, Maine, has long been a haven for fostering deep conversations and community among expecting and new parents. With the arrival of their new Executive Director, Kate McCarthy, came an opportune moment to rejuvenate their brand and digital presence. The objective was clear: to enhance Birth Roots' ability to connect with and support families during one of life's most profound experiences.

The Awakening

Emery embraced the essence of Birth Roots, envisioning a brand identity that felt as natural and welcoming as the support Birth Roots provides. Our approach was thoughtful and respectful of the organization's history, opting to refine the well-loved logo to maintain brand recognition and equity. The resulting website redesign focused on user-friendliness for expecting parents, ensuring they could easily find and engage with the resources and community support Birth Roots offers.

Logo Marks
Primary Mark
Tagline Alt
Color Palette
Primary Palette

Scout Green

Moss Green

Pea Green

Secondary Palette



True Purple

Rubber Ducky

Primary Typeface


Secondary Typeface

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789

Tertiary Typeface
Body Copy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sed aliquam diam. Curabitur vel urna quis urna fermentum posuere vitae vitae ligula.
The Transformation

Since the brand refresh, Birth Roots has experienced remarkable growth, both in the expansion of their physical space and their influence within the greater Portland community. Their classes have become a must-attend for expecting and new parents, often selling out due to high demand. The impact of Birth Roots on families during the pivotal journey of pregnancy and early parenting has been profound, affirming the organization's vital role in nurturing healthy beginnings. With Emery's ongoing support, Birth Roots continues to thrive, cementing its legacy as a cornerstone of support for families in Portland, Maine.
