What's the best that could happen?
It’s time to wake up — and capitalize on this inflection point.
Founded in 1961, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church is a thriving community of families with young children and active seniors who gather for worship, service, and fellowship.
Despite being a vibrant, progressive, and inclusive community, St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Arlington, Virginia was struggling with an outdated design that was deterring younger generations from engaging with their community.
Emery approached the challenge by preserving their traditional iconography while infusing it with modern design elements. This delicate balance respected the church’s heritage while making it appealing to a younger audience.
Cloud Burst
Royal Red
Golden Fields
Gray Blue
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The rebranding initiative led by Emery resulted in new leadership opportunities and healthy growth within the community. St. Peter's has experienced a revitalization that resonates well with both existing congregants and newcomers alike, fostering a dynamic community atmosphere.
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