Rich Roll
A graduate of Stanford University and Cornell Law School, Rich Roll is a world-renowned plant-based ultra-endurance athlete, bestselling author, full-time wellness & plant-based nutrition advocate and motivational speaker.
The Challenge
Rich Roll, celebrated vegan ultra-endurance athlete and a leading voice in the plants and performance domain, was at a pivotal juncture. With a massively popular podcast, Rich sought to evolve his platform beyond the confines of endurance sports and veganism to embrace a wider array of meaningful conversations. This transition required not just a new website, but a deeper reimagining of his brand's focus and presentation.
The Awakening
Emery was tasked with the mission to rejuvenate Rich's brand to align with his evolving vision. We embarked on a comprehensive rebranding initiative, starting with a refresh of his visual identity. Introducing a broader color palette, we aimed to reflect the expanded scope of Rich's conversations. The pinnacle of our efforts was the development of a robust new eCommerce website,, meticulously designed to host over 600+ podcast episodes, offering an enhanced user experience and seamless access to Rich's wealth of insights.
Logo Marks
Primary Mark
Color Palette
Primary Palette
Tennis Ball
Warm Orange
Teal Blue
Clay Ash
Primary Typeface
Secondary Typeface
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789
Tertiary Typeface
Body Copy
The Transformation
The collaboration between Emery and Rich Roll has blossomed into a sustained, fruitful partnership. Our engagement has not only revitalized Rich's digital presence but also facilitated a seamless brand pivot. Dan Drake, a key member of the Emery team, transitioned to join Rich's team as the new Creative Director, further solidifying our intertwined paths. Emery continues to offer strategic counsel on new initiatives, playing an integral role in the ongoing expansion and depth of Rich's influential platform.
Client Testimonial
"Deep gratitude for everything the Emery team has added to our work and our lives! Much love."
Rich Roll — Podcast Host, Athlete, Best-Selling Author