What's the best that could happen?
It’s time to wake up — and capitalize on this inflection point.
True Access emerged as a promising startup in the bustling world of hospital technology, specializing in vendor credentialing and security. Despite their innovative solutions, their brand lacked the vibrancy needed to stand out, and both their visual identity and website required a revitalization to truly reflect the cutting-edge nature of their offerings.
Our journey with True Access didn't end with the rebranding. As they continue to make inroads into hospitals nationwide, Emery remains by their side, offering ongoing support and strategic guidance. The "Visibility Assures Confidence" ethos now serves as the cornerstone of their brand, propelling them forward as they strive to set new standards in hospital technology and security.
Deep Depths
Electric Blue
Calla Lily
Deep Shale
Warning Red
Bright Gold
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Our journey with True Access didn't end with the rebranding. As they continue to make inroads into hospitals nationwide, Emery remains by their side, offering ongoing support and strategic guidance. The "Visibility Assures Confidence" ethos now serves as the cornerstone of their brand, propelling them forward as they strive to set new standards in hospital technology and security.
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